Saturday, 3 December 2011

Two Strangers Two Friends

Two unperturbed, two unknown strangers,
Sitting at the world’s two different corners.

Unsure, unaware of what lies in their destiny,
Quietly moving on, in their life’s journey.

Little did they knew, that their paths would cross.
Sometimes running parallel, sometimes winding across.

Finally the day arrived, when the fate threw its dice.
And thus began the story that changed their lives.

It first began with simple hellos and hi.
But as time flew, the relation grew high.

Not only read, but both could speak the other’s mind.
Such was the connection that even they were surprised.

Two different persons yet had so much in common.
Unique, but similar for thousands of reasons.

The bond grew fast, the bond became strong.
What felt like ages, was in reality not so long.

The friendship became special, filled with affection.
No one could understand the strange relation.

Never did they felt that they have never met.
It was as if they were always friends.

Never seen each other, true, they were yet to meet.
Looking at them, no one could believe it.

But yes!! That is how, was the bond they shared.
A bond of trust, a bond that was rare.

The two strangers were no longer ‘unknown’
They were now two friends, how when, it was unbeknown.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Love - Nothing Beyond and Above

Every morning when the sun rises,
It brings with itself new hopes and desires.
The shining rays, unleashes –
Thousand dreams that had disappeared.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

Every breeze when touches the face,
Every breath of fresh air in-take
Rejuvenates the body, energizes the soul.
And tells the story unheard and never told.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The melody of the chirping bird,
Inspires dreams to conceive.
Fragrance of the dew dipped bud,
shows the path for a new promise.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The smile on lips – at all times,
Tells a story – that life’s a worthwhile.
The twinkle in the eyes, that always shines,
motivates to walk miles and miles.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The setting of golden sun on the horizon,
gives a belief that there will be a dawn.
In the deep black sky shines the sole warrior - moon,
Fighting the dark, to restore power of sun

Likewise when you have that someone around,
The world seems poetry with a melodious sound.
Yes, that’s the story of being in love -
And there’s nothing beyond and above.

Nine Months

I don’t remember, how was the day, when I was born.
But I can tell the beautiful smile my mom had worn.

Twinkling and joyful, yet teary eyes,
From daughter to wife to mom, she has jumped miles.

I was her world and she was the only world for me.
Coz I knew no one, she was everything for me.

When I woke up, I know she is around me.
Can’t stop smiling, whenever her hands found me.

When I’m hungry, she eats well, well for two.
Ohh!! I love the fact that our food is shared too.

When she slowly strolls me down the garden,
I hear my first music – the song of birds chirping.

When I move, kick or turn,
She is not hurt but reaches the seventh heaven.

As I grow, it’s getting difficult for her to carry.
But she’s ecstatic with not a single line of worry.

Time has flown by, now I’m old enough,
I tell her - Let me out, I can prove you that I’m tough.

I no longer like the darkness and the protected cover.
I want to see you, with my eyes, my dearest mother.

She fulfilled my dream, even though she went through sea of pain.
Finally out of the womb, in her lap, I can see her smile again and again!!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Love and its Pain

What’s the story of love and pain?
The two inseparable sides of coin.

The duo, never seen each other,
But always found together.

What happens? What happens when they meet?
Words are failing me, to express what it feels.

My world has turned upside down.
My Eyes haven’t stopped pouring down.

I’m screaming at the top of my voice.
But why no one has heard it once.

Have I gone dumb or has the world turned deaf?
don’t understand or I don’t intend to see.

Meaningless talks is now what i speak,
Desperate thoughts, is what I think.

Oh God!Something has happened to me.
But what? What has become of me?

Have I gone insane? Yes, my soul has been torn apart.
God took you away, and made us separate..

July 2009

Sunday, 30 October 2011

I wish I were a Princess

You can never find a girl,
who doesn’t believe in fairy tale.

I’m no different from you and all.
I too dream of summer, winter, spring and fall.

Every girl’s dream, every girl’s desire,
to be a princess, to be in the line of heir.

Pampered by all around,
To be the center, while the rest formed the round.
I wish I were a princess.

Lavish dining and dazzling attire,
Acknowledged would be my every desire.
I wish I were a princess.

Poetic life filled with melodious songs and tunes,
Never would I have heard – what are ruins?
I wish I were a princess.

My wishes were heard, my dream came true.
I may not be a princess by birth, but that I am for sure!!

I am the center, with my dad’s arms around.
I’m the apple of his eye, pampered throughout the clock’s round.
Yes I am a princess for sure.

All my wishes become true, even before the word is out.
That’s my papa, who understands every beat of my heart.
Yes I am a princess for sure.

Poetic life melodiously filled with pa’s hums.
Protected and shielded from all the ruins.

Yes!! I am ‘my dad’s’ princess for sure..


Friday, 30 September 2011

Which way to go?

At the center of the ‘tug of rope’,
I’m standing with lost hope.

The force from either, ripping me apart,
I scream in pain, as the soul cries in hurt.

Which is my direction, the rose bed lane?
Or the usual comfortable pathway one.

The rosy side looks attractive and tempting..
But it can be black hole – vast and inviting.

The easy road has become too known,
I can predict the future and the unknown.

Am I too scared to step towards the new way?
Or I’m frozen to continue to stay that way.

Why so indecisive, what’s the confusion?
Life would be so better, if choices were never given!


Sunday, 25 September 2011

Moving On

Dedicated to all my friends!!

It was the moment I had waited for.
It was something I had desired for.
The moment had finally come.
It was the time to move on.

Friends were smiling, wishes given aloud.
I was the centre, rest gathered around.
The clock clicked and I had to leave.
Had all the strength, but the legs didn’t lift.

All of the sudden, all the smiles vanished, silence was in the air.
The happy eyes had become moist, were now filled with tears.
I wondered why this change all of a sudden.
Things that were bright had now turned gloom.

Then it struck me quite hard.
The thought of separation, that we’ll be apart.
This time it’s not a few days thing.
Its gonna be long before we all will meet again.

The bitter truth refused to sink in.
The heart got filled with mixed feelings.
On one side, there was the joy of starting a new life.
The other side had the pain for leaving behind the old life.

Past will always be a reflection of memories.
No matter where you go, it will be your book of favorite stories.
But as the world says – life’s a river that waits for none.
We need to look ahead and keep moving on.

Sound of Silence

When in pain and sorrows surround me,
I hear a voice that’s near and around me.
When in trouble and there’s no help,
I hear a voice that gives me the strength.
When I’m confused, don’t know which path to take,
I hear a voice that guides me all the way.
When there’s no company no friend,
It speaks to me even if the world ends.
This voice comforts me in all times.
At sunset and even when the sun shines.
The sound has all the might and strength,
It enlightens me and fills in me warmth.
The voice’s loud and yet no other can hear,
Coz it speaks when I have solitude with no one near
It is nothing but the Sound of Silence
The sound of me, my inner self.
The sound of me, my inner self.

I Think Of You

Each ticking second, in each passing moment,
Morning to night, all day through,
You are in my mind and I think of you.

The golden sky and the rising sun,
The blooming flowers, the sparkling dew,
Depicts a story, that, I think of you.

The crispy air it freshens my soul,
The chirping birds, their melody so true.
Sing to me with words that are few, I think of you.

The bright blue day, the wind as it rushes through,
Closes your eyes and whispers to you,
You are in love and I think of you.

At the end of day, in the moonlit way,
The stars twinkling, remind me of you,
Never was a moment when I didn't think of you.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Love Across The Eras

Here's a story of two guys from two different eras.

Passionate is what can be used to describe both:
One expresses his heart out..
The other never shows it out.

Aristocracy was in their blood:
Royal in their own ways - one believes in staying within the line..
And the other never blinks his eye before crossing it.

Love is in the air:
One can do anything to protect her,
while the other will use all his means to keep her honor.

Unpredictable lady love :
One can never understand her ways..
The other cant read her mind.

Similar and yet so different in their own ways.
They are the two most romantic person's in my life - Mr. Darcy and Mr Edward!!
No matter what era it is the definition of romance will always remain the same.

Love them both!!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A walk in the night

Ever had a walk in the night?
On a full moon day,
With the crystal studded sky,
Under the endless and sparkling roof
Shining, pouring down all its warmth.

Ever had a walk in the night?
On a path that was never heard of,
Long and never-ending leading to no where.
Brightened by the jewels of the sky,
Bathed with the lights of the night.

Ever had a walk in the night?
With the cool breeze kissing your face,
The hush of the wind singing in your ears.
The quiet road and the whispering wind
All the world’s pleasure filling up your mind.

Ever had a walk in the night?
With only him, walking beside you
Strolling down to the No where road.
The slow paced steps but fast paced heart
That made you blush coz your hands just brushed.

Ever had a walk in the night?
Sharing the moments of silent walk
Sharing the moments of continuous talks
The cool breeze rushing through the hair,
And yet the warmth as hands are held.

Ever had such a walk in the night?
With the person of your life?

Ever heard the words that were never spoken of
But were listened to and understood by both?

Ever felt this bliss, that has no bounds?
Only feelings and emotions all around.

Ever had such a walk in life?
That made you believe
Nothing is more beautiful than the moments of tonight.

Ever had such a walk in the night?