Saturday 27 September 2014

You and Me

You and Me.. Me and You
Friends or more.. what are we two?

With you I was comfortable,
How deep it was, I could never tell!
I laughed with you I fought with you
I cared for you.. but this was new

You and Me.. Me and You
Friends or more.. what are we two?

When you touched me, you touched my heart
I cuddled with you, was this, a new start?
Holding hands and warm tight hugs
Things were changing, but was that so tough?

You and Me.. Me and You
Friends or more.. what are we two?

We connected at soul as we came close
Feelings that was never around, now arose
It was beautiful, gave my life a new meaning
Happiness engulfed me when you completed me

You and Me.. Me and You
Friends or more.. what are we two?

I give you my heart, life and soul
I want to be yours, forever and beyond
You and Me.. Me and You
I will love you all my life long!


Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 in Nutshell - A Year of Dreams

With hours left, for a new chapter to start!
I sit and recall, the moments of past.

2013 was once a new year, a new beginning,
to make it worth, was all I hoping..

I had expectations and eyes filled with dreams.
Some came true, but many still remains..

Start of year, took me across the ocean, crossing all hurdles.
I reached a new land, away from the home's warm cuddle.

New friends, new home, my life was new..
I will survive, in my heart I always knew!

In mid-year, new opportunities came along the way..
A step up in life, is what the God gave.

Explored, travelled and saw some amazing places.
Oceans, Canyon, Falls are a few names to say..

Year end brought me to the land of fantasies..
Land of dreams, a place I always wanted to be!

2013 was a year of dreams coming true..
when you have faith and believe in You!

Farewell 2013!


Sunday 12 May 2013


Protected and enclosed I was,
within my world, my shell that I had.

What made me break out of it,
I don't recall the reason, not even a bit.

I fancied, I dreamed, I let my wings fly.
I was happy - a new experience worth a try!

I explored and found a new world for me
I enjoyed the feeling of being free.

But I had forgotten the harsh fact,
This is not where I belong no matter what.

The truth finally hit me and it did hit me hard.
I was alone, my tears broke my guard.

It was a mistake to go out of the shell.
No one is for you, I realized it well.


Sunday 16 December 2012

Love: its lost

Smile on lips, a spark in my eyes
Today is not anyday.. its special in many ways
The wait is over, the time has come
To meet him, to finally be with that special one

I get ready and took some extra care
thinking of all the things that I have to share
I reach early for my rendezvous
He is yet to reach, "Oh what should I do?"

Should I blush or should I cry?
When he hugs me, should I be shy?
So many thoughts.. so many joys
Excited to hear his magical voice.

But where is he, what is taking so long.
He never was late, wonder what is wrong
Eyes are wet with tears running down
My heart is aching, he is still not around

Time passed by, from day it became night
It turned dark, how fast have vanished the lights
Im standing alone, still waiting for him
"Ohh he will come.. His is taking some time"

Night ended, but the wait never got over
Cold and lonely, I was no where.
Sitting there I turned hard and stone,
except for heart that still said - he will come home!

Saturday 4 February 2012

The Wait

It has been long due.
The time has become painful now.
No longer can I bear,
The distance between us, I want you near.

Come back home, come back to me.
I need your presence, I want your feel.
I want to see you, hear you, and touch you for once.
Hold you tight and hug you in my arms.

Tired I am, of looking at the road,
Pictures and memories is all I have got.
New moments, is what I want to create,
Without you in them, it won’t be complete.

The time has come, the moment is here.
I know you are coming, I can hear.
I run to the door, my wait is over.
In my ears, 'I love you' is what he whispers.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Two Strangers Two Friends

Two unperturbed, two unknown strangers,
Sitting at the world’s two different corners.

Unsure, unaware of what lies in their destiny,
Quietly moving on, in their life’s journey.

Little did they knew, that their paths would cross.
Sometimes running parallel, sometimes winding across.

Finally the day arrived, when the fate threw its dice.
And thus began the story that changed their lives.

It first began with simple hellos and hi.
But as time flew, the relation grew high.

Not only read, but both could speak the other’s mind.
Such was the connection that even they were surprised.

Two different persons yet had so much in common.
Unique, but similar for thousands of reasons.

The bond grew fast, the bond became strong.
What felt like ages, was in reality not so long.

The friendship became special, filled with affection.
No one could understand the strange relation.

Never did they felt that they have never met.
It was as if they were always friends.

Never seen each other, true, they were yet to meet.
Looking at them, no one could believe it.

But yes!! That is how, was the bond they shared.
A bond of trust, a bond that was rare.

The two strangers were no longer ‘unknown’
They were now two friends, how when, it was unbeknown.

Friday 18 November 2011

Love - Nothing Beyond and Above

Every morning when the sun rises,
It brings with itself new hopes and desires.
The shining rays, unleashes –
Thousand dreams that had disappeared.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

Every breeze when touches the face,
Every breath of fresh air in-take
Rejuvenates the body, energizes the soul.
And tells the story unheard and never told.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The melody of the chirping bird,
Inspires dreams to conceive.
Fragrance of the dew dipped bud,
shows the path for a new promise.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The smile on lips – at all times,
Tells a story – that life’s a worthwhile.
The twinkle in the eyes, that always shines,
motivates to walk miles and miles.

If this is the feeling of being in love,
There’s nothing beyond and above.

The setting of golden sun on the horizon,
gives a belief that there will be a dawn.
In the deep black sky shines the sole warrior - moon,
Fighting the dark, to restore power of sun

Likewise when you have that someone around,
The world seems poetry with a melodious sound.
Yes, that’s the story of being in love -
And there’s nothing beyond and above.