Tuesday 16 August 2011

A walk in the night

Ever had a walk in the night?
On a full moon day,
With the crystal studded sky,
Under the endless and sparkling roof
Shining, pouring down all its warmth.

Ever had a walk in the night?
On a path that was never heard of,
Long and never-ending leading to no where.
Brightened by the jewels of the sky,
Bathed with the lights of the night.

Ever had a walk in the night?
With the cool breeze kissing your face,
The hush of the wind singing in your ears.
The quiet road and the whispering wind
All the world’s pleasure filling up your mind.

Ever had a walk in the night?
With only him, walking beside you
Strolling down to the No where road.
The slow paced steps but fast paced heart
That made you blush coz your hands just brushed.

Ever had a walk in the night?
Sharing the moments of silent walk
Sharing the moments of continuous talks
The cool breeze rushing through the hair,
And yet the warmth as hands are held.

Ever had such a walk in the night?
With the person of your life?

Ever heard the words that were never spoken of
But were listened to and understood by both?

Ever felt this bliss, that has no bounds?
Only feelings and emotions all around.

Ever had such a walk in life?
That made you believe
Nothing is more beautiful than the moments of tonight.

Ever had such a walk in the night?